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Arnold Dreyblatt And The Orchestra Of Excited Strings, Propellers in love.  

Artist's Box, issued as catalogue to accompany the exhibition
"Amerikanische Künstler in Berlin. American Artists in Berlin" 1986
with Arnold Dreyblatt, John Gerard, John Gossage, Karl Edward
Johnson, Hal Meltzer, Raphael Pollack, Andrea Scrima, Shinkichi Tajiri

Sponsored by the Amerika Haus Berlin and Initiative Berlin-USA e.V.
The Amerika Haus Berlin was developed following the end of the Second
World War to provide German citizens access to American culture and
politics, and engage in discussion and debate on the transatlantic relationship.
It was run by the American government until 2006.

Box containing loose leaves and a LP, Künstlerhaus Bethanien / I
nitiative Berlin-USA e.V. 1986