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Linus Pauling on Fallout and Nuclear Warfare.
LP, Verve 1960

⇒ Linus Pauling: The opposition of scientists to the testing of nuclear weapons became very strong a few years ago, 1955, when it was recognized that the testing of nuclear weapons produces radioactive materials in tremendously great amounts, which, in the case of nuclear bomb tests carried out on the surface of the Earth or in the atmosphere, are spread all over the world, begin to irradiate the reproductive organs of human beings all over the world, and to cause an increase in the number of defective children born. There is no doubt that the radioactive fallout, the world-wide fallout from the atomic bomb tests, is causing damage to human beings all over the world such that there is now and will be in the future an increased number of children born with congenital defects -- physical defects and mental defects ...