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John F. Kennedy, His first and best remembered speeches.
Produced and broadcast by Radio Station WMCA, New York, 22.11.1963 
LP, Premier Albums 1963

Portions of a news article extracted from the 21 Dec 1963 edition of Billboard magazine on page 3 titled "Memorials to Pres. Kennedy Carry Weight in LP Market" By REN GREVATT, starting at paragraph 3: 

"Premier got out first and was actually shipping five days after the event, according to the firm's president, Phil Landwehr. He said that currently, 16 pressing plants are turning out the LP's, which he indicated have now been shipped in quantities approaching 1,000,000. 
Benefit LP 
Premier and WMCA have agreed to turn over their royalties to the Joseph Kennedy Jr. Foundation for Mental Retardation. He added that arrangements are now being made to bring out a full-price ($3.98) companion to the current 99-cent item, which will contain the news coverage of the Dallas tragedy by a different New York station."