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To get a good job, get a good education.
A Public Service Campaign of The Advertising Council 
for the U.S. Department of Labor.
7", Volunteer Agency Foote, Cone & Belding, INC. New York

The Advertising Council (Ad Council), is an American nonprofit organization
that produces, distributes, and promotes public service announcements
on behalf of various sponsors, including nonprofit organizations,
non-governmental organizations and agencies of the United States
government. The organization accepts requests from sponsor institutions
for advertising campaigns that focus on particular social issues. 

Due to the Ad Council's historically close collaboration with the President
of the United States and the federal government, it has been labeled
by historian Robert Griffith as "little more than a domestic propaganda arm
of the federal government." The Ad Council has been further criticized for distracting the public by focusing on individual lifestyle changes, rather
than on the need to fix social problems by changing institutions, such as the
Ad Council's many corporate sponsors, or the government and military,
whose campaigns the Ad Council has also promoted. (Wiki)