Projekts: Sound Space Fog - Anti-Atlas Mountains - Morocco.

The Sound of the Fog - A sound-art project by Kalle Aldis Laar

The Fog-Sound project
The construction of a sounding body merging both aesthetically and functionally with the framework of the fog nets was the vision right from the start. Sound artist Kalle Aldis Laar constructed various wind harps, operated by wind and weather and sounding an unusual and ever-changing on-site composition, merging with the environmental sounds.

This sound work is not only the first of its kind to draw attention to the importance of the fog as a valuable resource at the Sahara Gate in one of the driest places in the world. It also provides a cultural framework for educational campaigns and public relations locally.

Several strings run parallel to one of the hollow fog masts, holding the net construction. Connected directly to the mast, the wind causes the strings to vibrate, top and bottom bridges (like on any string instrument) transmit their resonance to a hollow body as well as directly to the poles holding the nets. Depending on the weather conditions, a multi-facetted drone-like sound is created, the excited strings resonate in various ever-changing overtones and at different volumes. The Fog-Harp is easy to assemble and requires no maintenance, the materials used are weatherproof and durable.


The CloudFisher
The CloudFisher collects drinking water from fog without requiring energy. The CloudFisher project in Morocco is the world's largest collector park, officially openeed in October 2018. 31 collectors supply 18 villages in the valleys around Mount Boutmezguida and a school with drinking water in WHO quality, with more to come. Munich based industrial designer Peter Trautwein / WasserStiftung - WaterFoundation has focused on the method of producing drinking water from fog for many years. He developed the first standard fog collector resisting wind speeds exceeding 100 m/h

Fog Sound Film - DVD edition
by sound artist Kalle Aldis Laar.

In a meditative setting it features the sound of the wind harps on foggy Mount Boutmezguida in the Anti-Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco.

In cooperation with CloudFisher, the largest fog collection project in the world (2019).
18 min. Photography: Peter Trautwein, K.A.Laar
Supported by: Erwin und Gisela von Steiner Stiftung, WasserStiftung Munich, Dar Si Hmad, pilotraum01 e.V., Peter Trautwein / aqualonis
Special thanks to: Serafine Lindemann/artcircolo (project cooperation), Peter Trautwein, Soufian Aaraichi, Jamila Bargach, Aissa Derhem





Rhizomes Art: Sound & Cloud Residency / Performance in Agadir
In september 2019 Kalle Aldis Laar was invited back to Morocco for a residency in Sidi Ifni and Agadir. Together with local and international artists a performance was developed, rehearsed and finally staged at the Institut Français in Agadir.

Laar collaborated especially with Rais Lahcen Belmouden,
one of the most famous masters of the Rebab, the traditional one-stringed fiddle. The performance included visual artworks by filmmakers and painters mixed and screened live.

The well received performance marked a meeting the sounds of the Boutmezguida sound installation, electronics and traditional local rhythms and Moroccan roots music.

Rhizomes Art was made possible by the Dar Si Hmad Foundation and organized by Moroccan producer Soufian Aaraichi.

Klangraum Nebel - Cloudfisher / Dar Si Hamd Residency and concert


The CloudFisher concept - interacting with art and culture.
Human coexistence is a cultural achievement. According to recent studies concerning development assistance, any involvement not responding and referring to the cultural environment is usually doomed to failure in the long term. Against this background, Serafine Lindemann and Peter Trautwein, together with the Water Foundation, designed the conceptual framework to combine various uses of the CloudFisher with cultural and artistic projects to convey a more complex perception of the ongoing global warming and the associated effects on civilization and the environment. This collaboration made the development of the sound-art project by Kalle Aldis Laar possible.

⇒ Peter Trautwein/ aqualonis
⇒ WasserStiftung Foundation
Dar Si Hmad
⇒ pilotraum01 e.V

The CloudFisher assembly on Mount Boutmezguida is a project by the WasserStiftung Foundation and Dar Si Hmad Foundation, supported by the German The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), MunichRe Foundation, DVGW (German Gas- and Water Assocation) and developed by aqualonis GmbH ⇒ CloudFisher.